Membership Information

General Information


We encourage and welcome new members to join us on Tuesdays.

Club membership requires yearly dues that go toward the club’s operating expenses, awards, social activities and handicap services. Included in this membership is a booklet with the Echo Mesa membership list and calendar of events for the year.  Each member pays $2 (sweeps) for our weekly competitions.

New members may participate immediately in the Club’s weekly golf competitions. If a new member does not have an established handicap, one will be calculated after playing five rounds. If you are unsure about joining but want to give us a try, you are welcome to play three (3) times with the club prior to joining.

Please contact our club with any questions at the following email address:

Provide your name, email address, subject and message and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Membership Forms


Membership application forms are available in the drawers outside the women’s restroom at Echo Mesa. Please fill out your information on the sheet, add your check and put them both in the envelope provided. Place the envelope in the locked (first) box inside the restroom. We will contact you for an orientation or call us for any questions.

Current members can update their personal information by completing the Member Change Form and place it in the locked box in the ladies’ restroom.

Both the New Member and Member Change Forms are available on this website, click buttons below.  

For further information or questions email us at the above email address (see blue header above).

Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes

Click on Button below to open the Board Meeting Minutes for that date.

General Meeting Minutes

Click on Button below to open the General Meeting Minutes for that date.

SCW Golf Council Meeting Minutes

Click on Button below to open the SCW Golf Council Meeting Minutes for that date.